(P.S. 這個blog是在2011年3月11日日本東北部仙台發生8.9級大地震後寫的,心實不安!請看 <日本,がんばで> @ http://rickiekwong.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post.html。除了祈禱,暫時可以做的,便是透過本blog分享更多在可愛日本遇到的美麗人與事!日本,がんばで!)
與可愛的老朋友京都的大文字山小姐聚舊後(http://rickiekwong.blogspot.com/2011/03/japan-trip-2004-2009_24.html ),心情輕鬆。 那時不過剛過午後。 登山過後,必須慰勞自己,於是便到Lonely Planet介紹位於京都郊區的鞍馬溫泉“嘆世界” 。其實,as I have said before,我的backpacking不是全tuff;其實我很懂得享受hard work過後的歡愉。終究,我對backpacking是passion (熱愛) ,不是“傻勁” 。
“遠征”之前,當然要“飽食足兵” 。於是,一碗美味的加大size拉麵,一掃而空!
鞍馬溫泉是傳統的露天溫泉,眺望草木茂盛的鞍馬寺山,秋風陣陣,非常怡人。 偌大的溫泉池,只得我與另一位遊人(當然是男人啦!) 在享受。 當天,我動極而靜,從動態到安寧,非常滿意自行計劃的旅程。 兩位gentlemen,很自然便交談上來,原來,這位遊人來自英國。 英國遊人得知我來自香港,便道出他也曾在香港居住,對香港印象甚好。 然後,他問了我一個可以寫一篇“博士論文” 的問題: “Do you think which girls are prettier? Japan girls or Hong Kong girls?”
“Well, Hong Kong girls and Japan girls are both pretty! However, I do find many Hong Kong girls are just pretty in their appearance, but are lack of character! They just focus on the make-up, copying the appearance of the Japanese girls. It is a pity! They overlook a very important thing of beauty, the inner character of girl! Japan girls are not just pretty in their appearance but also have their own character, and that’s why they are attractive and beautiful! For example, you find girls in Kyoto are elegant and act and walk like a lady. Elegant is one of the attractive characters!”
說罷,我很滿意這個答案。 英國遊人點頭,顯然,他也很喜歡這一個答案。 言有盡,意無窮,我倆再無多言,欣賞眼前祥和的晚霞,細味耳邊智慧的對談。 未幾,英國遊人道別離去,天地彷彿只剩一人。
Rickie “chok 樣” @ 鞍馬駅的列車中
再一次感謝天主及聖母的保守,及巨山美人的垂憐:那一天,那一個獨自“chok樣” 的鞍馬之夜,其實,我是很享受每分每秒!
(後記: “Chok” 樣之後的翌日,我便在京都嵯峨嵐山認識了高貴可人的悠子小姐,深感幸運!http://rickiekwong.blogspot.com/2011/02/japan-trip-2009.html )