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再一次感謝 終於放假與M記專訪 - 行山如人生
(P.S.: 特別鳴謝M記、Tracy及Homan的專業訪問與編稿)

Spain Trip 2012的詳細行程初稿就是在整個工作忙碌至生病又未知何時成行的6月完成。 幸好,事情出現不能預見的轉機,我的西班牙之旅竟能在9月成行,欣喜! 我感謝“M 記” 、感謝老闆S、感謝Kitty多年的支持,更感謝天主及聖母的安排 - 心知,能繼續於凶險萬分的中環(Central)繼續追尋每年Backpacking的人生目標,除了堅持,還需要許多的配合與諒解! 執筆至此,只能由衷的向所知的及未知的道謝! 我會繼續努力! 又其實,6月的highlight,除了有幸得到國際漫遊協會(The International Travellers Association) (ITA) 的邀請到他們於香港國際旅遊展2012 (International Travel Expo 2012) 之攤檔(booth)演講一個mini-talk(http://rickiekwong.blogspot.hk/2012/06/itamini-talk.html )外,就是有幸能接受M記刋物的訪問,維繞In All Those Travelling Years我worldwide trekking 的由來與領悟,及Taiwan Trip 2011的一眾登山之行(http://rickiekwong.blogspot.hk/2012/03/taiwan-trip-2011-backpacking-goes-on.html?bb=0) ,重點是台灣第二高峰雪山主峰(3,886m) 之行 (http://rickiekwong.blogspot.com/2012/01/taiwan-trip-2011_24.html )。 小弟被同事稱為“背包攀山旅遊達人(Professional Backpacking Hiker)” ,實愧不敢當! 我只有繼續努力不懈,務求自強不息!
行山如人生 背包攀山旅遊達人—鄺子俊(See Hiking as his Lifelong Journey Professional Backpacking Hiker—Rickie Kwong) (攝於台灣第二高峰雪山主峰(3,886m) – Taiwan Trip 2011)
行山如人生 (See Hiking as his Lifelong Journey)新濠集團企業總部的鄺子俊(Rickie)自2000年一次「揹背囊」暢遊歐洲後,便認定背包旅行 (backpacking)為一項「人生可以做且十分鍾愛」的活動。自此,他連續12年實踐每年一度backpacking與海外兼攀山越嶺的大計,多年來登過的山岳包括非洲最高峰吉力馬扎羅山(5,896米) (http://rickiekwong.blogspot.hk/2010/11/tanzania-trip-2008-mt-kilimanjaro.html )、日本第一高峰富士山(3,776米)( http://rickiekwong.blogspot.com/2011/04/japan-trip-2004-2009-mt-fuji-part-1_7.html )和東南亞最高峰沙巴神山(4,095米) (http://rickiekwong.blogspot.com/2010/12/mt-kinabalu-devil-coach-destroyed-man.html )。去年,Rickie更勇闖台灣最高的兩座山 — 玉山(3,952米) (http://rickiekwong.blogspot.hk/2011/12/taiwan-trip-2011-pt1_6.html )及雪山(3,886米) (http://rickiekwong.blogspot.com/2012/01/taiwan-trip-2011_24.html),一圓征服亞洲五大高峰的夢想。
and Xueshan (3,886m) (http://rickiekwong.blogspot.com/2012/01/taiwan-trip-2011_24.html), accomplishing his goal of reaching the summits of the five highest mountains.)
前往玉山的山徑及太魯閣的錐麓古道是崎嶇不平,十分險峻。 (The footpath at Yushan and the Zhuilu Old Pass of Taroko Gorge are very steep and bumpy. )
Rickie愛上登山乃源於十年前暢遊台灣陽明山國家公園(http://rickiekwong.blogspot.hk/2011/11/10_3.html )及阿里山(http://rickiekwong.blogspot.hk/2011/06/taiwan-trip-2001_12.html )。他回想:「從台灣返港後,我在想『為何不在香港嘗試行山?』,於是在2003年既買書又買地圖,第一次由山頂走到香港仔。自此之後,我每次backpacking都一定有行山元素。」
(Rickie’s passion for hiking was developed about a decade ago when he trekked through the Yangmingshan National Park (http://rickiekwong.blogspot.hk/2011/11/10_3.html ) and Mt. Alishan in Taiwan (http://rickiekwong.blogspot.hk/2011/06/taiwan-trip-2001_12.html). “After the Taiwan trip, I wondered about hiking in Hong Kong. In 2003, with a hiking book and a map, I did my first-ever hike from the Peak down to Aberdeen. After that, hiking has been a stapled item in all my backpacking excursions,” Rickie recalled.)
累積若干行山經驗後,Rickie於2004年首次成功攀登海外的山峰 — 日本富士山,這令他更肯定攀登香港周邊國家著名山峰的念頭。2005年,他登上比富士山更高的沙巴神山,更以台灣玉山為下一個攀登目標。
(Steeled by a rich hiking experience, Rickie completed his first overseas hike at Mt. Fuji in 2004 and aspired to conquer the most famous mountains situated in the countries close to Hong Kong. In 2005, Rickie reached the top of Mt. Kinabalu, a mountain much taller than Mt. Fuji, and set his sights on Taiwan's Yushan as his next target.)
Zhuilu Old Pass of Taroko Gorge are very steep and bumpy. )
可是,原來要登上玉山,必先取得登山證,惟申請過程非常繁複。直至去年乃Rickie登山十周年紀念,他決定仔細策劃單人環遊台灣之旅,成功於15天內登上玉山、雪山和七星山,而且走畢太魯閣的錐麓古道(http://rickiekwong.blogspot.hk/2011/12/taiwan-trip-2011-pt1_20.html ),及天祥至太魯閣國家公園之間的公路(http://rickiekwong.blogspot.com/2011/12/taiwan-trip-2011-20km-pt-1.html )。回想這趟極具挑戰的旅程,Rickie有感上雪山一段是最難忘的。
(Few people know that a permit is required to hike at Yushan and is only secured through a complicated application process. Last year, ten years after his maiden hiking journey, Rickie finally made time to plan his solo backpacking trip in Taiwan. Within 15 days, Rickie successfully reached the summits of Yushan, Xueshan and Qixingshan, passed through the Zhuilu Old Pass of Taroko Gorge and the pathway interlinking Tianzhang and Taroko National Park. In that challenging journey, the tough stretch of going uphill at Xueshan was the avid hiker’s most unforgettable experience.)
山頂的美景令Rickie覺得心曠神怡,不枉此行。圖為遠眺富士山的風景。 (Rickie at peace at the summits of the mountains that he hiked. In the photo is
Mt. Fuji. )「在對流雨的天氣下,我用三日兩夜獨自走過登上雪山的路徑,足足有40多小時只有自己獨處在山頭。其中一晚,我須在山屋過夜,感受到前所未有強烈的孤寂感。但當抵達雪山頂峰,天色頓變得晴空萬里,真興幸自己一路走來能平安到達!那一刻,我感動得哭了!」
(Rickie said, “I walked alone in the rain for three days, trekking along the footpath to the top of Xueshan, and spent a night in a mountain hut. I felt a great sense of loneliness during the 40-hour solitary track uphill. Fortunately by the time I reached the peak, the sky cleared up, I knew that I made it safely. Overwhelmed by emotions, I actually tear up!”)
(Because of his religion, Rickie regards that extraordinary challenge as a gift to be grateful for. He continues, “Hiking is not unlike the journey of life. There are ups and downs on the road. You may be exhausted, frustrated or even frightened along the way, but you just don’t give up. There is only one single way through which you must pass to reach your destination.” Rickie is thankful for the support from Melco and his supervisor which has allowed him to take on new challenges over the years.)
當Rickie抵達雪山頂峰,天色頓變得晴空萬里,Rickie興幸自己一路走來能平安到達。 (By the time Rickie reached the top of Xueshan, the sky was crystal clear and Rickie felt very fortunate and safe.)
(Looking ahead, Rickie is on track to the realization of his backpacking aspirations buttressed by his belief – “you have to respect every mountain the way you respect a lady.” He has already scheduled a solo backpacking trip through 100km of The Way of St. James in Spain in September. In the next decade, the highest mountains in Australia and South America will be part of his hiking itinerary, he vows.)