
Rickie @ Cabo Fisterra – Thanks All! Just returned Home From Spain

Rickie @ Cabo Fisterra – Thanks All!  Just returned Home From Spain(Note: Please also see the blog sharing Cabo Fisterra @ http://rickiekwong.blogspot.com/2013/02/spain-trip-2012-end-of-western-world.html)

Okinawa & Spain Trip 2012 Part 2之旅 Spain (西班牙) 的部份,並平安回到香港(Hong Kong)了!

感謝天主及聖母的同行與保守,背負著可敬可愛的聖母聖像,我平安的走畢了Camino de Santiago 末段111.4km的長路終達聖城Santiago de Compostela,最後更又走到了海角的盡頭Cabo Fisterra  Cabo Fisterra,相傳是中世紀時期歐洲人相信的“the end of the Western World”  我來到了感受到自古以來朝聖者所經歷過的喜悅、relief與感恩!  我面對無盡的大海,左手觸及石山上的十字聖碑,瞬時之間與天、地、人產生了微妙的感通!  我立即想起先古一位朝聖者的名言: “The Way to Santiago is as life itself, it is as He who gives us support, it is a marvelous experience.  It has no end, because when you arrive you realize that you have to keep on walking towards St. James, towards the others, towards your inner self, towards God.  This will only be finished when the life that we enjoy day by day comes to an end.” 


